April Member Meeting Recap and Updates

Dear Baltimore County Green Party members and Supporters:

We wanted to take this opportunity to report to you on our excellent April membership meeting and on our plans for April and early May.

Due to a scheduling error, we had our April membership meeting outside, under a pavilion at the Perry Hall Library.  It was a windy, but it felt Green, and was a very productive, and well-attended, gathering.  All of our committees are now clicking.

We continued our educational discussions on the meaning of the four central tenets of the Green Party. This one was Social Justice, and, led by Myles, our members brought forward some interesting and important ideas.  Next month, Ecology.

Action/Issues Committee member, Oneda, reported on the upcoming Anti-Climate Change March in DC, on Saturday, April 29. We will be sharing a bus with the Sierra Club.  You can go to this link, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/peoples-climate-march-bus-towson-tickets-33056819838, to sign up, for $25, for this bathroom-equipped bus, which will be leaving from and returning to Towson.  We are currently signing up for Bus A, but if it is full, please move on to Bus B. they are filling rapidly, and the demonstration is likely to be huge, so avoiding driving or the Metro, may be very wise, as well as fun.

Rachele and Jen reported on our April 27 Educational and Outreach event on the topic of Health Care for All.  Physician Margaret Flowers, the Green Party’s candidate for Senate in 2016, will be the main speaker. This event will be held at 7pm in the Catonsville Public Library, and all members, supporters and interested persons are encouraged to attend. It’s a great chance to educate on this key issue and to build our party in this important part of the County. 

The Action/Issues Committee will meet at 7:30, Wednesday, April 19, at the home of Mark and Rachele, at 407 Brook Road in Towson.  Please note the slight change of time and date.  Committee members and all others interested in joining the committee are welcome to attend.
With the 2018 elections not so far away, we will hold the first meeting of our Electoral Committee, chaired by Myles, at the Towson Panera at 6:30pm on Monday, April 10. Interested members are invited to attend.

Our Outreach Committee will be chaired by Oneda and Jen.   They will be meeting later this month, to discuss a variety of activities to build our active membership.

With the resignation of one of our co-chairs, we needed to elect a new Co-Chair, to fill the interim vacancy until our regular elections in June.  Kate, our current Treasurer, was unanimously selected.  That left two vacancies to be filled on the Steering committee.  Oneda and Evan were nominated and elected, and we welcome them to our Steering Committee, where they will join Kate, Myles and Mark.

All in all, we have a busy month ahead, and our local is thriving.  We have great opportunities to continue our growth over the next month, culminating in our next membership meeting, at 6:30 pm on May 9, at the Towson branch of the Baltimore County Public Library.  Please make plans to attend, and bring other interested persons.  We want this to be our biggest meeting yet!
