Baltimore County Green Party condemns "Alt-Right" gathering in Joppa, MD on March 25 2017

At 5:30 PM on March 25 2017, white nationalists from throughout the region will be assembling at the Joppatown Memorial VFW Post 5838 at 501 Pulaski Highway. The 11th annual St Patrick's Day event was recently announced on hate site and is being coordinated by Baltimore area far-right record label 'Label 56'. In light of the recent election of Donald Trump and the subsequent emboldening of white nationalism, the potential for this event to draw numbers of militant white supremacists to recruit, network, and organize is significant.

The Baltimore County Green Party condemns this gathering. We call on the VFW, an organization that should honor those veterans who fought and died against Nazism, to cancel this meeting. We call on all area unions, churches, and community organizations to join in the condemnation of this gathering and the hateful ideas that it represents. The Baltimore County Green Party Local will be willing to join coalitions of groups that share that condemnation.

Beyond the immediate threat of this meeting, it is a symptom of the continued and increasing domination of our society by the wealthy 0.1%. It's due to the failure of both corporate political parties to address real issues that fuels hate among disaffected people, and their search for scapegoats, which leads to events like this. The Green Party stands for economic opportunity for all, much greater equality, security for all, and an end to systemic racist discrimination against minority citizens and immigrant brothers and sisters.

No to Nazis!  No to the Klan! No to all racism!
