May Member Meeting Recap and Updates

On Tuesday, May 9th, we had a well-attended membership meeting at Towson Library, with 15 people in attendance.  We are growing, and excited to announce that we had a total of 15 dues paying members for the month of May.  If you have not had a chance to pay your dues, there is now an
online option

During our May meeting, we began with brief reports on our recent actions and progress.  We discussed the launch of our fully functional website, the launch of our canvassing campaign to reach the 1400+ Green Party registrants in Baltimore County, our successful Health Care for All educational event that was held in Catonsville on April 27th, our presence at the People’s Climate March in DC on April 29th, and the Green Party’s presence at the May Day march in Baltimore on May 1st.

We then broke into committees, worked for about 35 minutes, and then had brief report outs.

The Action/Issues Committee is focusing on fighting the Republican proposal
, Bill 32-17, that will require County police to discriminate against immigrants, if they are stopped for violations, including traffic offenses.  We will speak at the May 30th County Council hearing, and are organizing a petition campaign and a picket line for the hearing and for the Council vote on June 5th.

In addition to our actions this coming month, we are proposing to hold an educational outreach activity, centered around the Fight for $15, in the Dundalk/Turner Station area in late June.  The Outreach Committee will also, with the aid of some financing from the Maryland Green Party, be reaching out to help start a Green Party chapter in Harford and Cecil Counties.  Finally, in terms of outreach, our local had a number of members that were eager and signed up to canvass this month. 

At our May meeting, our Elections Committee proposed a statement of principles about our candidates, which we discussed.  The membership agreed with the spirit of the document, which was that our campaign would be 
issues-oriented, and educational and party-building in nature, and that our candidates should have Green values and be registered Greens.  We also agreed that we would welcome support from people who are only beginning to relate to or have not yet joined our party.

Our next monthly membership meeting will be on Tuesday, June 20, not June 13!!!  The meeting will take place in the Wilson Room, Towson branch of the Baltimore County Public Library.  At that meetingwe will nominate and elect our officers for the period from June to December, and consider some proposed by-laws changes, which include a process for amending our by-laws, changing the terms of office from a year to six months, and adding one additional Steering committee member, to reflect our rapid growth.

We also noted that the annual Maryland Green Party Convention will be on Saturday, June 24, from 10am to 3pm at Lovely Lane Church in Baltimore City.  All Green Party registrants or prospective registrants are invited to attend.
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and actions.  Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our Baltimore County local!
