Baltimore County has a new Green Party Local!

On November 21 2016, 13 green and progressive thinkers met to create a newly reformed Green Local for Baltimore County, MD.
The meeting was planned by Mark McColloch and Cristi Demnowicz, both Green Activists, who were elected as co-chairs by attendees that evening. 

Additional officers were nominated and voted in:

Kate Holmes: Treasurer
Tamer Morsi-IT Manager
Myles Hoenig: Recording Secretary

These 5 "officers" make up the Baltimore County Green Local Steering Committee.

All officers were voted in for a period of approx six months (re-elections being planned for May or June of 2017.)

Temporary By-laws were adopted by attendees. The final version can be viewed here.
          1. This final clean version was formally adopted by membership on Jan 10 2017.
          2. The dues amounts were adopted into final version of by laws at the December member meeting.
          3. The mission statement was added in after approval from the Steering Committee. 

Minutes can be read here.

For more information about the Baltimore County Green Local, or to join, please contact
