December Member Meeting-Recap with minutes.

On December 13 2016, 16 Green and Progressive political activists met for the second meeting of the Baltimore County Greens.

Read full minutes here. 


1. Dues structure adopted as follows:
     Income under $25k per year=$1 per month
     Income between $25001-$50=$5 per month
     Income over $50001=$10 per month

2. Formally voted to support work surrounding the following issues: 
     a.-Healthcare as a Human Right/Healthcare For All/Universal Healthcare
     b.-"Fight for $15" or A $15 an hour minimum wage, with understanding that this is a start only and does not solve income inequality
     c.-Don't Frack MD Anti-Fracking initiative

3. Formally voted to endorse the Women's March on Washington, to be held on Jan 21 2017. Discussion of carpooling and how to participate while not appearing to endorse or support democrats, their candidates or policies. 

4. Formation of 3 working committees:
     Admin(IT, Finance, etc)

If you would like more information about the Baltimore County Greens, or to join, please email us at:
