October 2017 Updates

Supporters of the Baltimore County Green Party,

It has been an active half a month since our last meeting, and some dramatic new opportunities have opened up for us, some of them this week.

On Tuesday, October 3, at 7pm, at the Cockeysville branch of the Baltimore County Library, the League of Women Voters will sponsor a debate on immigration.  The debate includes representative of all ballot-status political parties in Maryland, which includes the Green Party.  One of our colleagues from the Baltimore City chapter will be speaking, in clear and strong support for immigrants and against discrimination directed against them.  We will likeley be the only party to do so.  Unfortunately, the debate will also include a representative of the anti-immigrant group FAIR.  The Southern Poverty Law Center has characterized them as a "hate group", and we believe that they hold white supremicist views.  We strongly encourage as many of you as possible to attend this meeting.  Fifteen days later, at the Catonsville Public Library, a similar event will be held.

Also on Tuesday, October 3, Green Party District 7 candidate for Delegate to the Maryland Legislature, Ryan Sullvan, will be attending a public hearing on the plans to carry out a large -scale incineration operation in that District.  Ryan will be speaking out against that dangerous operation and we need several additional people to join him at that event. Meet by 7pm at the Harford County Council Building at 212 Bond Street in Bel Air, Maryland.
Additionally, we will host a Meet-Up on the topic of Social Justice on Wednesday, October 4th at 7pm at Hightopps at 2306 York Rd. in Lutherville-Timonium. Please join us and invite friends for this opportunity to discuss ideas and recruit new potential members in a relaxed setting. 

Finally, we are approaching the date of our monthly membership meeting. Please remember that this month it will be held on a Monday, on October 16, at 6:30 pm at the Towson Public Library.  We ask you to plan now to attend and to bring any friends or contacts who might be interested.  We are growing, and we have much work to do.

Baltimore County Green Party
